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Friday, April 25, 2014

Happy Radio

I've been listening to a new station on my Pandora radio called Happy! I'm really enjoying what Pandora has been choosing for me. Not my usual music, but it is making really happy today.

I know that I have not been very regular in posting ( a bit of an understatement, I know!! Right!)
If you are reading this, Thank You!! for hanging in there with me. I promise to do better. I have started a few post recently and my pictures wouldn't download. But on my final try for the day...magically what I was doing all along worked!! I don't understand it but oh well!! Technology will always remain somewhat of a mystery to me, I guess. :-) I'd rather be working with fabric now that I understand!!

I am starting with some pictures of my new Studio..AKA Formal Living Room!! As I rambled around this big house, I decided I no longer wanted or needed to be working out of an upstairs bedroom when I had a huge seldom used living room on the main floor. So after removing some large furniture pieces that I no longer needed and adding some tables and storage I made it a very cozy and productive space. Here are a few pics.

This cabinet was a hand-me-down from a friend that did not want to move it. It holds alot of fabric!

A little Kaffe Fassett always makes me a happy girl!!

My cutting table.. this wonderful stack of Anna Marie Horner "Field Study" waiting to be cut.

Thimble collection and vintage spools of thread.

Home Sweet Home by Blackbird..last block!! been working on this quilt for many years.

Some hexies in progress!!

My favorite spot to do any hand sewing or knitting! I had both wing chairs re-covered
and love them!

"New" Vintage cabinet hold lots of pre-cuts waiting to be made into something wonderful.

close up "73 Willow Lane"

The View from my sewing machine and computer desk
Other chair.. Dresden Plate.. machine quilting in progress!

More fun storage..and my very LARGE TV!! Love it.

Design, cutting, reading! Also more fabric storage :-0
I think there is a theme here.

My sewing corner and design wall..perfect. Basket quilt is a new find, today at a local Antique Mall. It was such a good price I couldn't leave it there! On the design wall quilt in progress using Critter Patch line of fabric and Dilly Dally by Thimble Blossoms, for new grand daughter, Nora Elizabeth, expected in early June... in northern Norway...The Pinwheel on the quilt rack is hers too..much larger, sending it to be machine quilted.

My faithful companion...Penelope Patchwork!

some free-motion writing with Penelope
Are you still with me? I know this is a long post. I do have a few quilt tops to share and then I will call it a day.

This was the  2014 New Years Day Mystery from Planet Patchwork

Pattern: Strawberry Skies designed by Kimberly Jolly from Fons and Porters' Love of Quilting issue May/June 2013
using Incense and Peppermint by Robyn Pandolph

Moda Bake Shop Scrappy Chevron Picnic Quilt
Using Scrumptious from Bonnie and Camille

Ok so that is all for now! More to come. 
Have a great weekend, I plan on spending it with Penelepe, she is always up for day together!
ox Kay

Saturday, October 12, 2013

A Feathered Star Journey

Many months ago I saw a post on Marsha McCroskeys' Facebook page about a new quilt called Stars of Chamblie that she had designed and was promoting at Spring Market. I posted a picture of her quilt in a previous post. I ordered the book as soon as it became available on her website along with her specially designed Feathered Star Ruler.

 Some words of wisdom if you decide to embark on your own Feathered Star Journey!!!!
You will need patience, organization and precision. Make sure that your seam allowance is an accurate 1/4 inch, keep your seam ripper close by, the sooner you find and correct an error the better. For me, a slightly lazy piece-er I had to learn the above lessons the hard way. I'm glad that I challenged myself I have finished piecing 8 out of 9 blocks. whew!!!!!

Block 9 waiting to be pieced...perhaps tonight??

On another note, the Simplicity applique quilt that I finished this summer has returned from the quilter. It turned out beautifully! A local LAQ named Richla Ramsey quilted feathers, and bubbles and brought the quilt to life.

Have a great fall weekend
xo Kay

Monday, June 10, 2013

Holy Cow!! Two Days in a Row???

Hi, again. You don't hear from me for months and here I am again the next day.

I am anxious to share the next installment of my Home Sweet Home quilt. I last posted a finished block in Feb 2012! This is block 6, "62 Holly Hill".

I finished the last of the applique last night while watching the Tony Awards. So happy to have one more finished. The tree on the left was my own design. I really liked the look of the original tree designed by Barb and Alma, but found it quite difficult to applique, I was not happy with how mine was turning out so I designed an easier one.
Just 3 more blocks to go and then an applique swag border. I plan on getting the fabrics selected for the next block today.
Hope you all have a good and productive week.
xo Kay

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Happy Sunday!!

I have been a very neglectful blogger!! I will try and be more consistent about writing. Any way, here is a peek at what I have been up to.

Quilt Market 2013 with Pam and Sharon
it was a blast!!

Me and My Sister Designers, Mary and Barbara and me, with their new book.
They are so nice and really enjoyed meeting them

Quilt from their book, 3 Times the Charm book two. This is "Jennifer" using Avalon by Fig Tree Quilts

Tula Pink's amazing version of a skill sampler..Awsome!!!

Me, Tula and Pam...we are huge fans and really enjoyed a chance to chat with her.

Marsha Mc Closkey's Star of Chamblie 

Anne Sutton from Bunny Hills' new Christmas BOM.
So Cute!!

Carnaby St took me back to my teen years!! And love the fabric group from Art Gallery

Who knew I would see the Fab Four at Quilt still my heart ..sigh :-)
There was so much more, but it would be a very long post!!
On to what I have been working on.

                                                                    3 Sisters.
This quilt has been waiting since I bought the kit in 2007! 
Center Applique detail.The colors are so soft that it was hard to get a good picture. Will try again when it is quilted.
Detail of the corner applique.
Bee using Honey Honey by Kate Spain (thanks Noel for the scraps!!)
Right at home on the porch!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Catching Up

Longtime, no post!!!! I have been busy traveling and sewing but have not managed to sit down and write anything in a long time,
Grab a cuppa because the might be a long one! :-)

In January I decided to fly to  England and surprise my cousin for her 70th Birthday.
I got the first surprise when landing was delayed 2 hours due to SNOW!!! I have to admit, tho, that the journey from the airport  through villages and past fields was magical.
The surprise came off well and I had a great time catching up with family and friends. I love being in England, but maybe not in January so much.
Historical Sally Lunn House in Bath

Bath Abbey

This was the most wonderful little shop filled with so many wonderful goodies

eye candy, not real candy! Buttons and tiles etc.

Be still my Heart,A Cath Kidston Shop!!!! sigh..spent alot of money in this store!!!

Eagerly waiting to get inside this wonderful shop!

Quilt shop called Country Threads every nook and cranny of two rooms filed
with fabrics. pre-cuts, books etc. Did find some Tilda fabric that I have not seen here.
On the left my cousin, Pix and right good friends John and Julie.
Midsomer Quilting Nice shop near Bath

Now on to what has been happening in the Quilt Studio.
New Years Day Mystery over at Planet Patchwork...not my usual pallet but like it.

Pretty quilt made from Paris Flea Market, pattern from Spring/Summer 07 Quilt Sampler
called Rosy Chic, from The Cotton Patch, Keizer, Oregon.

In February, after catching up from jet lag..I put this cute little pattern together using Primitive  Gatherings  and
this cute pattern.

Circa 1934 using pattern from magazine
"Seaside Bed Quilt" from Cluck Cluck Sew, using mostly Seaside fabrics.
I think I may have left a few things out but they will wait until the next post. I promise to write more often.
Enjoy your day..the sun is out here, at the moment..must get onto more fun sewing.
Kay xo