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Monday, April 11, 2011

Pom Pom de Paris


Happy Monday morning to all.
It seems like ages since I have posted. I have finally finished piecing my Pom Pom de Paris. I selected a pattern by Bunny Hill Designs called Dolley's Garden. I have had this pattern for awhile but just had not found the fabrics I wanted to use. Enter Pom Pom de Paris!!!! Well I think it is a pretty nice fit. The contrast is very low and soft and has the look of a blended quilt, I think.
Fabric selection..oh so pretty!
Pattern selected

I love the way this turned out : )
Close up of border stripe...great suggestion from friend Joyce

More close up detail

Now I just have to select a backing fabric and its off to be quilted. Perfect for Spring!! It is spring, right?? It has been so cold here in Western Washington its hard to tell that it really is spring.

Last week I managed to fininsh the final block for Le Jardin BOM. I have pieced all the blocks together and it is ready for the borders. That will be my task for today. But here is a sneak peek of the quilt before borders. Really love this design.
Paris in the spring, anyone : )...

Au revoir!!.......Kay


  1. Love both of these!!! I am still stitching away on block inspire me...looking forward to applikay night!!

  2. Both your quilts are gorgeous, Kay!

  3. Kay.... your Dolley's Garden quilt turned out so BEAUTIFUL! I love the Delicate & Romantic colors & prints in this one!

    Congrats on finishing the last block of Le Jardin! This quilt looks fabulous too!

  4. Hi Kay, I found your blog when googling the bunny hill glad I did...I think your quilt is outstanding. I think I'm seeing that you made a variation, perhaps the nine patch between the stars? Maybe you didn't, and I'm not seeing it correctly, but either way, it's beautiful. You are an inspiration...I'm going to follow you, as I know your blog will give me the motivation to quilt more. I am wondering if you do your own quilting...perhaps if I go back to your past posts, I'll find out. I am considering a long arm, except for two things...the cost and the space...yet I really enjoy that part of the quilting process. Well, I'll be back to see what you're doing next. Take care! Mary
