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Monday, May 24, 2010

New Beginnings

Hi there,
First I must say that my post today will be without photos because I cannot locate my digital camera. I have complained so much about it not taking great pics that I think it may be hiding from me!! Seriously, I cannot remember where I put it or used it last. I've searched the whole house, but no luck.
Anyway, I have spent the last two weeks embarking on a new/old adventure..losing weight and increasing my activity level. So far I gained 4 pounds :-(   and I'm hungry all the time. And I'm having serious carb and sugar withdrawal!   So I'm adding some more healthy carbs this week to see if I can jumpstart something. I feel as though my body is against me, but I am determind to stay with it. More fruit and veg and whole grains and lean protien. Sounds like a plan right? I can't understand why it isn't working!!
I do have a few projects to work on in the studio this week. More quilting to be done on  grandson's quilt and a new bag idea to work on. Maybe work will distract me?
Well must go and find something healthy to eat!! Wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. Small changes yield big results over time. Just keep at it and don't expect an overnight miracle. None of us gain weight instantly, nor will we lose it. What if we expected instant quilts??? You should know that I am in a similar position and am telling myself this while I type a comment. Maybe if I say it over and over enough times, it will sink in and I will be able to act as confident as I sound. Really, though, hang in there. How you feel is more important than a number on a scale. You sound like you feel better. It'll come. There are people cheering for you.
